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The COVID 19 pandemic has radically changed the way we live, from our work to our learning and social lives. Our new reality poses a novel set of challenges for all of us. That's why we have brought this self-care during COVID guide in order for you to take care of yourself.

Now, more than ever, practicing self-care is crucial when it comes to taking care of our emotional health and well-being. Focusing on what makes you feel nourished and gives you meaning is a part of easing those feelings for a more solid foundation. 

Self-care during COVID can include myriad practices that you find enjoyable as well as activities that promote your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health. 

According to the definition from the WHO, self-care is the behaviours you do to take care of your health and can include hygiene, nutrition, leisure, sports, activities, or seeking professional healthcare services, as and when needed. 

Top 8 Self-Care Tips During Coronavirus

So how can you balance your day along with empowering the ones you love? We have rounded up a list of self-care tips meant to inspire your health and wellness during COVID.

1. Prioritize Sleep - Your Immune System Relies on It

When it comes to self-care during COVID, sleep is always part of the medicine. Getting enough good quality sleep keeps your immune system healthy and fights off infections like the ones caused by the new coronavirus. 

Furthermore, there are parts of the body's immune response that happen only during sleep. Scientists explain that sleep is one of the top ways we can help keep stress levels in check, as sleep deprivation can make us more sensitive to the adverse effects of stress. Lastly, the brain needs sleep to function, and without that, you will be impatient and less focused. In addition, you will lose your decisive power, and be moodier. 

2. Work Out

Spending a lot of time at home doesn't mean you have to be a couch potato. Staying active not only keeps your body physically healthy but also helps cheer up your mood and lower stress. 

Exercise releases endorphins (feel-good hormones), sharpens focus, and aids sleep. Besides, staying physically active lessens the risk of mood disorders, boosts energy, and improves overall well-being.

3. Avoid Mindless Snacking; Eat Intuitively Instead

Are you spending your days within eyeshot or arm's reach of your snack drawer? Instead, self-impose strict rules on what food are off-limits and try intuitive eating. It is not a diet so much as a way of eating that is all about providing your body what it needs when it needs. 

Moreover, intuitive eating doesn't restrict any specific foods or have you count calories. It is a practice in which you listen to your body and pay attention to what it needs at that moment. You only eat when you feel hungry, and you stop eating when you feel full. 

4. Develop a Don't Do List

Self-care during COVID doesn't need to be an action item. It can be freeing up space for the things that matter in your life and removing those that drain your energy. 

After an especially draining day, take some time to speculate: What dragged you down? How can you lessen it? Go ahead and write down a "don't do" list, something that can help you remember what you shouldn't do.

5. Practice Diaphragm Breathing

Calm and systematic breathing can have instantaneous effects on your physical and mental state, whether the tension comes from a relentless news cycle or your omnipresent housemates. 

Do your breathing practice daily to begin or end your day in a positive way. You can also try it in moments when you need a little more peace. 

6. Give Yourself a Meditation Break

You don't need any special equipment or space for meditation because you can do it anywhere and anytime. Meditation is thinking deeply or focusing your mind for a definite period of time. 

Primary benefits include reduction of stress, easing symptoms of depression and anxiety, and regulating negative thinking. If you are looking for another tool to add to your arsenal to fight stress, consider it.

7. Play a Game

Playing games inside your home can be really effective with stress relief. Board games or games in general help with improving mental health, work good against social isolation and help with battling anxiety. Play endless games like Monopoly, Chess, Cards, Ludo and Snakes & Ladders.

8. Self Care During COVID for Pregnant Women 

Unfortunately, you are not only dealing with normal stressors right now, but many of you are also facing additional stress due to COVID. On top of all that, pregnancy alone can cause anxiety. 

Self-care during pregnancy must be a priority, not a luxury. So here are some tips for implementing while you are pregnant to give your body extra love and care. 

a. Develop a Support System

Having a sound support system during pregnancy is essential. Be sure to talk to your partner and those who are close to you about the highs and lows you experience. 

Whenever you are worried, talking it out with someone you trust can help you look at the problem from a new perspective and possibly ease your mind. 

b. Try Prenatal Yoga

Yoga is a great way to calm the mind and reduce stress during any phase of your life. During a prenatal yoga class, you will learn relaxation techniques that will be beneficial during labor and childbirth. Further, the poses will help you to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and ease pain in your lower back. 

Finally, recite a mantra that brings you comfort, such as "I am confident," "All will be well," or "I am happy and healthy." These small self-care techniques will help you to be more resilient and grounded, even in unprecedented times.

Related Read: Don’t Fall For These COVID Vaccine Myths


Self-care during COVID is more than taking care of your physical health. The combination of physical and mental health is crucial in times like this. From distracting yourself from the non-stop COVID news to just taking a breather from work. There are many factors like the one we’ve mentioned about that play into taking care of yourself.