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Employee onboarding helps employees get up to speed with their job duties, company culture, and goals. It's a formal way of welcoming new employees into the company, establishing a baseline of information necessary for new hires, and ensuring they're on track to do their job well. 

There are many email templates around for employee onboarding. This post will review five plus email templates that can provide welcome information for new hires and feedback after 90 days.

What makes someone read an email?

Use personalisation to make your emails interesting and relevant to your employees. Personalising your employee onboarding emails will help them feel welcome and connected to your company. This could include sending welcome emailing templates personalised with their name, job title, and information about the company.

Include clear, concise language in your employee onboarding emails. This will make the content easy to understand and should use words people would understand easily. This could include using images and videos to illustrate points in the email.

Another way to streamline employee onboarding emails is to use headings and bold text. These tools help you organise the content of the email and make it easier for your employees to follow the subject line. Hyperlinks are another great way to navigate through employee onboarding emails. They help people quickly jump from one email section to another without getting frustrated or confused.

Pre-boarding email template

  1. The pre-boarding email is a great way to onboard new employees. It's a helpful way to orient new employees to their new roles and environment.
  2. This email template is designed to help employees initialise their accounts and state their preferences. It can be customised to the department or position of the employee.
  3. The pre-boarding email can be sent to all new employees, or it can be customised based on the stage of the onboarding process.
  4. The pre-boarding email can also remind employees of company policies and procedures. It can include tips for best practices and reminders about the importance of following them.
  5. The pre-boarding email can be customised to send at different times during the onboarding process. This ensures that employees are continually reminded of important information and company policies.

The pre-boarding email could include links to helpful resources, such as information about company culture or job responsibilities. With these elements in the pre-boarding email, new employees will feel welcome and well-informed about their new role.

Welcome email to an employee from HR

Introduction: A welcome email from HR is a way to welcome new employees to the company and outline their roles. It can serve as a formal introduction, providing important information about the company and what to expect upon joining. This can include details about the employee's responsibilities and benefits, as well as any policies or procedures that may be relevant.

Terms of Employment: A welcome email from HR is another opportunity to provide new employees with an overview of their job role and any specific expectations or responsibilities outlined in their employee contract. This should be brief and to the point but cover all the key points necessary for the new hire to start working effectively.

HR Policies & Procedures: A welcome email from HR is another chance to outline any policies or procedures relevant to the new hire's role and responsibilities. This includes details about how to file a complaint or grievance if they feel their rights have been violated at work.

Employee Handbook: A welcome email from HR is an opportunity to introduce new employees to the company's values and ethics and how they are expected to behave while employed by the organisation. 

This could include information on dress code, conduct, and other aspects of workplace culture that are important for new team members to understand.

Confirming the employee's first day of work

  1. Welcome the employee to the company and confirm the first day of work.
  2. Include a company overview, work schedule, and other relevant information.
  3. Follow up on any questions or concerns the employee may have had.
  4. Celebrate the employee's first day of work with an email congratulating them on their first day.
  5. Thank the employee for their hard work.

These are just a few examples of email onboarding templates that can be used to welcome new employees and welcome them to the company. It's important to acknowledge new employees for their hard work and dedication; these templates provide a great way to do so quickly and efficiently.

Employee onboarding requirements

Employee onboarding is a process through which new employees become familiar with the company and its policies. The process should start with an employee onboarding email template containing information about the company's mission, values, and culture. This email template can be tailored based on the organisation's requirements.

Employee onboarding messages should be personalised to match the individual employee. The welcome email should include the employee's new role, team, and responsibilities. It should also provide details regarding the employee's first day of work.

An employee onboarding checklist can be used to ensure that all relevant information has been covered in the welcome email. This checklist should include information such as job description and essential duties.

Employees should be given a timeline for completing the onboarding process. This timeline should inform them of the expected time frames for various tasks involved in onboarding. 

By following these tips, organisations can create effective employee onboarding campaigns to help new hires settle in easily and confidently.

Onboarding email template

Employee onboarding email templates can be a great way to welcome new employees and provide an overview of the role and the company. Start your email with a warm welcome and highlight the company's values to give readers a sense of the culture. 

Additionally, please explain why you're joining the company and why it is a good fit. Highlight the benefits of working at the company and discuss your career ambitions.

Make sure to include information about team members, their roles, and their responsibilities. Also, outline the safety and security measures taken by the company to protect employees from online threats. This template is a great way to welcome new employees and quickly get them acclimated to the role and the organisation.

Onboarding announcement email

Building your employee onboarding process is essential for creating a positive employee culture. To help you start, here are some email templates for employee onboarding that can help you make an engaging experience for new employees.

Welcome to the team! 

This email template is a great way to welcome new employees to your company and provides a brief overview of the role and responsibilities of the position. It also includes information about the company culture and why the person should be excited about working with the company.

Checking in

This email template is great for those hired as part of a new hire process and are going through an onboarding process. It includes details about their location, their day-to-day responsibilities, and how they can connect with others in their new role. It also consists of any relevant information about the position or organisation.

Important updates for employees

These emails are a great way to communicate important information regarding changes to policies, procedures, or other company updates to new hires. They provide clarity and provide new staff members with a better understanding of work at the organisation.

Reminder to sign up for health and safety training

These emails are a great way to remind new hires about all the health and safety training required as part of their job role. This ensures that new staff members are aware of all of the regulations and protocols that apply to them as part of their job role.

A message from your boss 

These emails are a great way to welcome new hires and outline the onboarding process and any additional information relevant to them as part of the job role. 

Employee onboarding feedback email

As an employee onboarding email template, it's essential to start with a welcome and let employees know what you are doing to improve their working experience. You can introduce yourself and the company's policies and procedures, thank them for joining the team, and let them know of the various opportunities available to them. 

It is also essential to thank employees for their hard work and dedication. After that, the email template can mention company events and social gatherings.

Finally, you can ask employees for feedback on their experience with the company. This email template will help convey the onboarding message well and help employees feel welcome as part of the team. Let your employees know about the various benefits and offerings of the company too.

Employee onboarding survey email

When it comes to employee onboarding, surveys are a great way to gather information about employee preferences and needs. This helps you create an onboarding process customised to your employee's needs. 

For instance, you can start by asking your new employee basic questions about their background, job role, and career goals. From there, you can tailor the onboarding process to include introductions, training materials, and ongoing support.

By designing an email that is tailored to your employee's interests and providing useful information, you can personalise the onboarding process even more. When writing the email subject line, include key terms that relate to the new employee's job role in the subject line so they know the email is relevant. 

Then add relevant information in the first few paragraphs of the email body such as why your company is hiring or what skills the new employee will be developing on the job. Finally, add a photo of your new hire and a call-to-action in the last paragraph so your employee knows what to expect next. Use a background remover on the photo and add your brand colors, so that they already feel like a part of the team.

With automated email marketing campaigns, you can ensure new employees stay up-to-date with important company updates and welcome them into the team readily.

The 90-day email

A 90-day email is a powerful tool for employee onboarding that can provide valuable information to new hires about the company and the role they'll be playing in it.

The email contains important information about the company and the employee's role. It includes information on job responsibilities, company culture, and expectations. It also includes details of any training involved and any prerequisites required.

The welcome letter from the company's CEO or HR representative is another important component of the email. This letter informs new employees about their roles and responsibilities and the company's mission, vision, and values. 

The welcome letter should include information on any onboarding process or policies that new hires will follow. The welcome letter should also include information on the benefits and perks of being part of the company's team and how to address any questions or concerns. 

The email template should include all the essential details mentioned above so that new employees are well-prepared for their first day at work. 

Customising the email template based on a company's specific needs is essential to reflect its corporate culture, interests, and values.


So, you've decided to onboard new employees using email templates. You're on the right track. Having employee onboarding emails that are customised to your company's culture, style, and expectations will help you generate new employee engagement and retention. 

And use email templates that are personalised to the new employee and offer helpful tips, resources, and best practices. You can significantly reduce email churn and increase employee satisfaction. Here's a sample email template to start with, just like the one above.