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A human resource manager is the manager of human resources. The role of human resource managers is to support management and management development in the organisation.

Hiring, training, compensation, benefits, performance management, organisational design, succession planning, and retention management—all fall under the functions of HR manager.

They also ensure that employees are happy and well-supported to do their job well.

The Functions of HR Manager Include:

  • Recruitment and hiring.
  • Training and development.
  • Employer-employee relations.
  • Maintaining company culture.
  • Managing employee benefits.
  • Creating a safe work environment and handling disciplinary actions.

This blog focuses on the functions of a human resource manager.

The functions of human resource management form an essential part of an organisation's overall business operations.

Recruitment and Hiring

Hiring the best talent is essential for a successful business. A hiring process that follows a systematic and reliable hiring process can help organisations attract and hire high-quality employees.

To ensure quality hires, organisations should follow an efficient hiring process.

This includes creating an environment that allows employees to be confident, develop their skills and work efficiently.

In addition, they should provide employees with training and development opportunities to stay up-to-date on industry changes, as well as educational digital flip books, guides and other learning materials.

Additionally, organisations must take employee relations seriously to maintain a positive workplace culture and create a working environment where people want to come to work every day.

To do this, they can focus on employee benefits such as an excellent salary and company culture.

Additionally, they can speak positively about the organisation through word-of-mouth marketing campaigns and employee communications.


Training and Development

A human resources manager helps employees learn and develop skills needed for their job.

This role involves planning and organising employee training, developing and implementing policies surrounding employee development, providing guidance to employees looking to enhance their skills, and overseeing employee performance management. 

These responsibilities contribute to an employee's overall experience at a company, helping them to perform well and reach their potential.

When done correctly, training and development can help employees improve their performance and stay on top of changes in the workplace.

It can help employees connect with other departments within the company, develop a sense of community, and become better collaborators.

The benefits of training and development are numerous, making it an essential role in any organisation.

Employer-Employee Relations

A human resources manager is responsible for all of an organisation's functions related to people management.

They help employees find jobs, train and develop employees, reward employees somewhat, track employee performance, resolve employee issues, engage employees in community activities and create a positive work environment.

In addition to these functions, human resource managers also oversee recruitment and selection, compensation and benefits, record-keeping and compliance with policies, dispute resolution, community outreach, communication and coordination, administering health and safety regulations, coordination with human resources consultants and coordinating with human resources consulting agencies.

Manage Employee Benefits

A human resources manager's role can vary greatly depending on the size of the organisation and the department they are assigned to.

They could be responsible for planning and administering employee benefits programs, reviewing employee expenses, helping with payroll and taxes, coordinating employee training and development programs, maintaining employee records, advising management on personnel matters, mediating labour relations issues, and acting as a liaison with labour unions or other organisations representing employees. 

Besides these tasks, human resource managers also manage employee disputes and oversee the recruitment of new employees.

Overall, the role of a human resource manager requires extensive knowledge of various aspects of the business world.

Create a Safe Work Environment

A human resources manager is responsible for creating a safe work environment for employees. 

They assess the needs of their employees and develop human resources policies to meet those needs. In addition, they recruit employees, select them based on merit and ability, and promote them to positions they are most suited for. 

They also administer employee benefits programs responsibly and cost-effectively. They ensure compliance with labour laws and handle employee grievances fairly and impartially. 

They coordinate employee grievance procedures and appropriately address workplace violence issues. 

They foster an open communication environment between management and employees by creating an atmosphere of trust and openness. 

They work closely with unions if they are involved in the business. Overall, human resource managers are essential in ensuring that their organisation has a qualified workforce to meet its goals and requirements.


Handle Disciplinary Actions

A human resources (HR) manager is responsible for handling a variety of functions in an organisation, from developing and implementing a disciplinary action plan to handling employee complaints and grievances to reviewing and updating employee records to preparing employee performance appraisals. 

A human resources manager is responsible for administering payroll and benefits programs, coordinating with other human resources departments in the business, monitoring the morale and welfare of employees, providing guidance and support to managers in the workplace, and ensuring the effective operation of human resource systems.

A role as an HR manager can be demanding, but it comes with many perks and responsibilities. A talented human resources manager knows how to handle these functions professionally.

Importance of HRM

-HRM is responsible for managing people and resources within an organisation.

-It plays a vital role in developing and implementing employee policies and practices.

-HRM ensures that all personnel are treated fairly and equitably.

-It creates an environment that supports employee productivity and growth.

-HRM provides leadership and guidance to employees regarding their roles and responsibilities.

-HRM monitors workplace safety and health issues.

-HRM resolves conflicts that may arise between employees and managers.

-HRM maintains employee files and records.

-HRM coordinates employee training programs.

-It ensures that policies, procedures, and guidelines related to human resource management are well-defined and understood by all employees. 

-Finally, it ensures that human resource management functions are managed effectively in an organisational setting.


Human resources management encompasses a variety of functions that include recruitment, training, and performance management, as well as benefits administration, employee relations, and human resource policy formulation.

However, these functions are not isolated from each other.

A human resources manager must be able to work with all the other human resource department heads to ensure a coordinated effort to achieve organisational goals.

This process requires an understanding of human resource management principles and an ability to analyse human resource management data. 


Q. How do HR managers measure the effectiveness of their training and development programs?

A. HR managers assess training effectiveness through employee feedback, performance assessments, and productivity metrics. They track improvements in skills and knowledge post-training. This evaluation helps refine future programs, ensuring they meet organizational goals and employee needs effectively.

Q. What strategies do HR managers employ to enhance employer-employee relations and maintain a positive workplace culture?

A. To improve relations and culture, HR managers foster open communication, recognize employee achievements, and address grievances promptly. They also organize team-building activities and ensure fair treatment. These efforts create a supportive environment, boosting morale and engagement.

Q. How do HR managers keep up with changes in labor laws and ensure compliance within the organization?

A. HR managers stay updated on labor laws through continuous education, legal advisories, and professional networks. They conduct regular audits and trainings to ensure organizational practices comply with the latest regulations. This proactive approach helps avoid legal issues and maintains a fair workplace.

Q. How do HR managers handle the onboarding process for new employees?

A. HR managers design a structured onboarding process to ensure new hires feel welcomed and prepared. This includes orientation sessions where new employees learn about company policies, culture, and values. They provide necessary resources, like equipment and software, to help employees start their roles efficiently. Managers also assign mentors to guide new employees through their initial days. Therefore, HR ensures that the new hires integrate smoothly and start contributing effectively from day one.

Q. What specific metrics or KPIs do HR managers use to measure the success of their HR strategies?

A. HR managers use various metrics to evaluate HR strategies. Employee turnover rates indicate retention success, while time-to-hire measures recruitment efficiency. Employee satisfaction surveys provide insights into workplace morale and engagement levels. Performance evaluations track individual and team productivity. Training completion rates and post-training performance improvements assess the effectiveness of development programs. Therefore, these metrics help HR managers refine their strategies to align with organizational goals.

Q. How do HR managers balance the needs of the organization with the individual needs of employees?

A. HR managers aim to create a harmonious work environment by balancing organizational goals with employee needs. They promote open communication to understand employee concerns and aspirations. Flexible work arrangements and professional development opportunities support individual growth. Regular feedback sessions help address issues before they escalate. By fostering a supportive culture, HR managers ensure employees feel valued and motivated, which in turn, drives organizational success. Therefore, a balanced approach benefits both the company and its employees.

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