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COVID-19 has agitated most businesses by making it difficult to operate in the normal way. Besides, most small businesses have experienced a drop in income as customers have significantly reduced their expenditure to the most basic needs.

Nevertheless, the crisis also yielded a lot of opportunities for intelligent entrepreneurs. No matter what industry you are in and how badly you are affected by the pandemic, we are here to help you get back on track.

Though we can't guarantee you will make the cover of TIME magazine, following these business ideas and your company will undoubtedly reach its full potential. 

Here are 9 goals you need to set for your business in this post-COVID world.

Goal 1: Hire The Right Employees And Keep Them Happy 

Employees are the backbone of your business. Unless you're running a solo show, chances are you have got a team. If you're thinking of growing your team, you must remember that you need to hire the best employees.

Take your time and thoroughly examine each candidate. Further, you need to ensure their goals align with yours. Once you have got a team, ensure to give them a happy and healthy environment to work in. 

Goal 2: Value Customers

You should always remember that customer is king. Set up a remarkable customer service experience that they won't forget. 

Also, companies need to understand what customers will value post-COVID-19. With that in mind, develop distinct use cases and tailored experiences based on those insights. If you value them, they will respect you.

The best way to do that is to interview them and get feedback regularly. Also, see how you can go ahead to give them everything they need. Moreover, a happy customer won't just be back - they will bring more to you.

Goal 3: Acceleration of Digital, Tech, and Analytics

It might be stereotypical, but the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to digital. However, the best companies are going further by enhancing and expanding their digital networks.

Companies are successfully using exceptional analytics to link new sources of data, such as satellite imaging, with their own insights to make more trustworthy and faster decisions, along with strengthening their links to customers.

Further, social media is your key to success. It is cost-effective, broad, and is the most efficient way to market. In case you are not already on the social media train, this should be your next big goal. Increased website and social media traffic translate into better sales. 

Goal 4: Boost Productivity 

When working from home, it is common for employees to lose focus. You need to ensure that your team is as productive as it can be. Furthermore, in order to do that, set daily and weekly goals along with follow-up sessions while listening to what your team has to say.

It is also worth taking time off every week to engage in a team activity like yoga, meditation, or a game. You can also invest in a fitness reward scheme or employee wellness program. 

Goal 5: Plan Your Financial Strategy 

You need to create a fool-proof financial strategy that includes budget, forecast, and goals. Decide where you want to see your business a year from now and set up milestones. Planning your finances also includes reducing business expenses.

After setting up goals, look out for loopholes where you can use those extra bucks, finally, reduce business costs by working carefully and saving at every opportunity you can. 

Goal 6: Incentivize Like A Pro 

Providing incentives to your customers to keep them coming back is essential. Also, it is equally important to incentivize your team. It is a great way to motivate them to strive for bigger things.

Incentives don't need to be financial. You can offer them a certificate or recommendations on LinkedIn. Upgrade your employee of the month scheme to the digital era, i.e., Amazon gift cards, QR codes with discounts, and tagging on social media is a great way. Sometimes, even a word of praise can go a long way.

Goal 7: Focus On Your Personal Brand

Small businesses and start-ups thrive on their ability to stand out in a crowd. The process of creating a public identity for the target audience is known as personal branding. Also, it includes conveying your beliefs, purpose, goals, and values.

In order to really stand out, have a unique logo, right color scheme, and visual design. Moreover, use your company brand all over social media and present it everywhere.

Goal 8: Keep Track Of Setbacks And Failures 

While it is essential to keep track of your success, it is equally important to keep track of your failures. A wise man once said, "do not be embarrassed by your failures. Learn from them and start again.” It is a great idea to keep track of your failures and learn from them. Consequently, they will always help you move forward and not back.


The COVID pandemic has had unprecedented impacts on the world, and the worst is yet to come. Companies must begin today if they want to bounce back in the post-COVID world.

Small businesses should use digital platforms to improve customer service and sell new products to other products. Amidst exploring ways, don't forget to meet the need of your employees in the post-covid world. The more you invest in your employees, the higher are your chances of reaching your small business goals for a post-COVID world.

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