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At one point or the other, every employee in India dreams of a secure and decent life. Unfortunately, this can be challenging, with many employees struggling to make ends meet despite having jobs. This blog aims to overview the various benefits available to employees in India and dispel some common myths about these benefits.

From maternity leave to group health insurance, this blog has everything you need to know about statutory benefits in India. So if you’re looking for help in achieving a better life for yourself and your family, look no further – this blog has got you covered!

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What are statutory benefits?

Statutory benefits play a vital role in providing financial stability and protection to employees in India during different life circumstances. These benefits serve to guarantee that employers treat their employees with fairness and equity. Statutory benefits are implemented and required by the government. 

Social security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, and work injury insurance are some of the common examples of statutory benefits among others.

Statutory vs. Non-Statutory Benefits - Key differences

Type of Benefits



Statutory Benefits

These are benefits that are mandated by law and employers are required to provide them to their employees.

Provident fund, Employee state insurance, Gratuity, Maternity leave, Payment of bonus

Non-Statutory Benefits

These are benefits that are not legally mandated, and are provided at the discretion of the employer.

Gym memberships, Health insurance, Performance Bonuses

It can be tricky to know which benefits are available to employees in India, given the vast array of statutory and non-statutory benefits. Statutory benefits, as mentioned earlier, come with the country’s national social security system. This includes maternity leave, disability pensions, and old-age pension benefits. Non-statutory benefits, on the other hand, are not mandated by law but can be offered by employers or insurance companies. Some expected benefits that are not statutorily mandated but are offered by employers include medical reimbursements and vacation payouts.

So, the key is to know the difference between statutory and non-statutory benefits to choose the best benefit for your needs.


List of Statutory Benefits in India

When it comes to employee benefits, India has it all. The list goes on from medical insurance to maternity and paternity leave. It’s important to research which benefits apply to you and familiarize yourself with your employer’s policies. Keep an eye out for changes as the government updates its laws frequently – this is always an exciting time for employee rights!

Some of the Statutory Benefits in India are as follows.

Gratuity payment

Regarding gratuity payment, the rules vary from place to place. However, the benefits most commonly offered in India include maternity, paternity, and sick days. While employers may provide benefits differently, research is always a good idea before taking action. If your benefits fall short of your expectations, there’s always the option of looking for a new job!

State insurance

There are a few essential points to know about state insurance in India. First of all, statutory benefits are the ones that are mandated by law – this includes health, retirement, and unemployment benefits. However, non-statutory benefits can also be provided through employer-provided schemes or government insurance programs like social security. To be eligible for these benefits, you need to have an employment contract laying out the benefits package’s terms and conditions. This might include salary schedule minimums or employee contribution levels towards the scheme’s premiums (although some employers may waive employee contributions).

Provident fund

There are a few benefits that every employee should be aware of, irrespective of the sector they work in. Statutory benefits have been mandated and set by law, while non-statutory benefits are the contributions made voluntarily by an employee or employer towards insurance schemes such as life insurance, etcetera. Most people think only about statutory benefits – those that come under the purview of their government employers. However, there are many other benefits that employees might need to learn about (or may not be aware of). These include maternity leave, health benefit plans, retirement savings options, etc. By taking advantage of these various benefit schemes, employees can ensure they’re thoroughly taken care of during their time off work or when coping with difficult times in life. And who knows? Perhaps one day, these same schemes will become mandatory!

Minimum wages

Minimum wages are an essential part of the Indian labour market, and their level is regulated by law. Statutory benefits come with specific eligibility criteria, so check the details before applying. Sometimes, you can claim benefits even if you need the required qualifications or experience. Make sure to apply for minimum wage benefits as early as possible – it’s best to do this well before the employee’s start date so that there is a timely response to your total salary. Finally, be aware of documentation requirements and ensure all necessary paperwork is included when applying.

Maternity benefits

Maternity benefits are an essential part of employee compensation, and it is beneficial for companies to offer generous benefits to their employees. This is especially true for firms that want to attract new talent or keep current employees happy and satisfied. Different benefits can be offered flexibly, depending on the company’s business needs and preferences. It is also essential to ensure that all employee benefits information is easily accessible so that everyone clearly understands what they’re entitled to. This way, harmony between employer and employee can be maintained over time.


Mandatory leave

Maternity and paternity leave is mandatory benefits that come with statutory provisions in many countries. These benefits include maternity leave, paternity leave, sick leaves etc. While non-statutory benefits vary from country to country, some of the most common ones include health insurance and retirement plans. It is important to note that these benefits are not mandated by law but instead offered as part of employee perks or benefit packages. This means they can change depending on the company’s policies and preferences. However, it is usually a sign of good management if these benefits are offered in a way that is fair to both employees and employers.

Which benefits are available to employees in India?

Statutory benefits are a set of rights and privileges that employees in India are entitled. These benefits can include medical insurance, maternity leave, and vacation time. All companies must offer at least some statutory benefits to their employees, regardless of size or industry. It’s essential to consult with an employment lawyer if you have any questions about which statutory benefits your company offers its employees. Additionally, review your employee handbook to ensure all benefits are clearly outlined and understood.


In this blog, we have comprehensively listed the different types of benefits available to employees in India. From medical benefits to maternity leave benefits, we have covered it all! If you are an employee in India and would like to know more about the various benefits available, read through the blog and leave your comments on Twitter. We would love to hear from you.


Q. How do employees claim statutory benefits in India, and what documentation is required?
A. Employees must submit a claim form to their employer or directly to the insurance provider. Required documents often include proof of employment, identity proof, and any specific documents related to the claim, like medical reports for health insurance claims. Employers usually guide the process, ensuring employees understand the steps. Therefore, direct communication with the HR department is advised for clarity.

Q. Are there any income or employment duration requirements for employees to be eligible for certain statutory benefits in India?
A. Yes, some statutory benefits require employees to meet specific criteria. For example, the eligibility for gratuity payment demands a minimum service period of five years with the same employer. However, there are no income thresholds for most statutory benefits; they apply universally to all eligible employees. It's essential to review the specific requirements for each benefit, as rules can vary.

Q. How do statutory benefits in India differ for contract versus permanent employees?
A. Contract employees in India might not have access to all the statutory benefits that permanent employees do, especially concerning severance benefits like gratuity. However, they are entitled to essential benefits like social security and health insurance. The difference mainly lies in long-term benefits and job security. Thus, understanding the terms of employment is crucial for recognizing one's rights and benefits.

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