Cyber insurance

Cyber security insurance for businesses

Plans starting as low as Rs.50000/year
Get a comprehensive cover that
  • Protects against business losses & ensures business continuity
  • Covers all legal expenses and PR recovery
  • Meets all compliance standards worldwide

What is Cyber insurance?

Cyber Insurance is your business's safety shield in the digital world. It provides financial coverage for losses resulting from data breaches, cyber attacks, network damage, and business interruptions. In today’s day and age where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated and commonplace, Cyber Insurance isn’t a recommendation. It's essential.

Why do you need Cyber insurance?

Risk Mitigation
Protect your business from costly cyber threats and data breaches
Business Continuity
Ensure smooth operations even in the face of digital disruptions
Legal Coverage
Cover the legal costs associated with data breaches
Reputation Management
Handle PR crises after a cyber incident effectively
Regulatory Compliance
Meet your obligations under data protection laws
Third-party Cover
Protect against claims from third parties affected by a breach in your network

Who should buy cyber insurance?

New startups
With limited resources, a cyber attack can be devastating for startups
Growth Stage
As your digital footprint expands, so do your potential vulnerabilities. Cyber Insurance provides the necessary protection as your operations scale up.
Large Entities
Larger organizations often face sophisticated cyber threats. A robust Cyber Insurance policy is vital for extensive network protection and risk management.
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What does Cyber Insurance cover?

Data Breach
Covers costs associated with response and recovery after a data breach
Business Interruption
Assists with lost income and increased costs during network downtime
Reputation Management
Covers PR expenses to restore your company's image post cyber attack
Regulatory Fines
Addresses penalties enforced by regulatory bodies due to data breaches
Third-party Liability
Handles legal costs and damages due to third-party claims
Cyber Extortion
Helps handle expenses related to ransomware and other extortion tactics
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How is D&O liability insurance cover better with Plum?

Risk mitigation
Your company and board is protected for liabilities that can arise from unforseen wrongful acts.
Adequate evaluation
Your company and board is protected for liabilities that can arise from unforseen wrongful acts.
Legal compliance
Your company and board is protected for liabilities that can arise from unforseen wrongful acts.
Regulatory investigation
Your company and board is protected for liabilities that can arise from unforseen wrongful acts.
Builds reputation
Your company and board is protected for liabilities that can arise from unforseen wrongful acts.
Financial coverage
Your company and board is protected for liabilities that can arise from unforseen wrongful acts.

Protect your organisation
against all risks

Directors And Officers Insurance

Protects the directors, officers and employees of your business against personal liabilities.

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Who do we recommend directors and officers insurance for?

Broadly speaking, the D&O cover is essential for all business entities registered under the Companies Act (2013), irrespective of size and growth stage.

What's Covered

  • Personal liability of the Directors & Officers

  • Losses incurred by the insured’s company

  • Claims related to buying/selling/ownership of securities. (Only for listed companies)

  • Losses if sued by past/ present/ prospective employees owing to wrongful termination

What's not covered

  • Product Liability

  • Prior acts

  • Intellectual Property Rights

  • Medical Malpractice

  • Money Laundering

Errors and Omissions Insurance

Guards your business against financial risks arising from a negligent act, error/omission, unintentional breach of contract, or failure to render professional services to a party.

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Who do we recommend errors and omissions insurance for?

If your product/ service can meaningfully impact your customer’s revenue, you should strongly consider E&O insurance cover. Some relevant businesses here are technology, consultancy and professional services like law/ finance.

What's Covered

  • Costs arising from failure to fulfil a contract/ product delivery

  • Damages resulting from Unauthorised Access to Computer Systems due to destruction/ deletion/corruption of electronic data

  • Negligence regarding the content of any Media Communication, misappropriation of trade secret

What's not covered

  • Any intentional, dishonest, fraudulent or criminal act

  • Bodily Injury or Property Damage

  • Breach of an express Warranty/ Breach of Guarantee

  • Delay in delivery or performance

Employee Dishonesty Insurance

Protects your business against financial losses due to criminal acts linked to money or securities, committed by an employee/employees.

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Who do we recommend the employee dishonesty cover for?

We recommend employee dishonesty for any industry where employees have access to valuable assets or financial information.

What's Covered

  • Legal fees, costs, and expenses incurred while defending against a demand, claim, lawsuit, or legal proceeding

  • Court Attendance Costs in case of civil proceedings

  • Cost of reconstituting data lost by the insured / Cost of investigation to determine exact loss

  • Extortion Cost

What's not covered

  • Prior or subsequent discovery of loss

  • Consequential loss

  • Kidnap and Ransom

  • War

Commercial General Liability Insurance

Protects your business against financial risks arising from death, bodily injury or damage to property. 

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Who do we recommend the commercial general liability cover for?

A commercial general liability cover is a key policy you should get as soon as you open a business, across industries. It is particularly relevant when your business has physical premises.

What's Covered

  • Damage incurred by third party due to any bodily injury

  • Damage to property

  • Damage towards advertising related suits

  • Medical expenses due to accidental bodily injury

What's not covered

  • Product Liability

  • Intellectual Property Rights

  • Medical Malpractice

  • Money Laundering

Cyber Liability Insurance

Shields your business from information technology & infrastructure risks. Such risks are breaches of data/privacy, malicious cyber attacks etc.

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Who do we recommend cyber liability insurance for?

Cyber crime can affect any sector or industry that uses technology to store, process, and transmit data. However, some major sectors like healthcare, technology and education are frequent victims of cyber crimes.

What's Covered

  • Loss arising out of breach of privacy or security

  • Expenses incurred to prevent or end a cyber extortion threat

  • Costs incurred to determine data restoration and privacy notifications to impacted individuals

  • Business interruption losses incurred by the company

What's not covered

  • Bodily Injury/ Property Damage

  • Criminal, Dishonest and Fraudulent Acts

  • Prior Acts

  • Insolvency

Asset Protection Insurance

Safeguards your business from losses revolving around damage to physical assets 

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Who do we recommend the asset protection cover for?

If you are an organisation investing in office equipment for your employees/businesses, we recommend an asset protection cover to safeguard such equipment.

What's Covered

  • Sudden and unforeseen physical damage, including breakdowns

  • Protects against loss due to Faulty operations, theft, natural calamities etc

  • Add on: Cost of reconstruction of data caused by a peril

  • Add on: Additional expenditure incurred due to the use of a substitute computer system

What's not covered

  • Regular wear and tear from use and continuous operation

  • Wilful act and gross negligence

  • Consequential losses

  • Third-party fault

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need business insurance?

Business insurance is essential because it safeguards your business from unforeseen financial risks. It can help cover the costs of property damage, liability claims, legal fees, and other expenses that could otherwise affect your business.

How much does business insurance cost?

The cost of business insurance depends on many factors, including the size of the business, the industry, the location and the coverage limits. Check out our recommendation engine to receive policies tailored to your business with estimated costs.

What does business insurance cover?

The coverage provided by business insurance depends on the type of policy you purchase. Common coverage areas include property damage, liability claims, shareholder lawsuits and data breaches.

Do companies belonging to specific industries particularly need business insurance?

Every business faces unique risks and liabilities, regardless of industry.

It would be prudent to reach out to your insurance provider for a clear picture of the risks typically faced by businesses like yourself and how to mitigate such risks. Book a meeting with a Plum insurance expert here.

Why should I choose Plum for Business Insurance?

  1. Provides one-touch access to trusted insurers and cost-effective plans.
  2. Connect with insurance experts for regular check-ins and advisory support
  3. Brings the expertise and leverage with insurance companies for high-value claims